Assets Defination

Jan 23, 2016  |  Posted by Administrator  |  Filed under Notices, News

Assets are bought to increase the value of a firm or benefit the firm's operations. You can think of an asset as something that can generate cash flow, regardless of whether it's a company's manufacturing equipment or an individual's rental apartment.

    In the context of accounting, assets are either current or fixed (non-current). Current means that the asset will be consumed within one year. Generally, this includes things like cash, accounts receivable and inventory. Fixed assets are those that are expected to keep providing benefit for more than one year, such as equipment, buildings and real estate

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SOAService Oreinted Architecture

December 15, 2015 |  Posted by Administrator |  Filed under News, internet

Services are unassociated, loosely coupled units of functionality that are self-contained. Each service implements at least one action, such as submitting an online application for an account, retrieving an online bank statement or modifying an online booking or airline ticket order. Within a SOA, services use defined protocols that describe how services pass and parse messages using description metadata, which in sufficient details describes not only the characteristics of these services, but also the data that drives them. If a service presents a simple interface that abstracts away its underlying complexity, then users can access independent services without knowledge of the service's platform implementation

SOA is based on the concept of a service. Depending on the service design approach taken, each SOA service is designed to perform one or more activities by implementing one or more service operations. As a result, each service is built as a discrete piece of code. This makes it possible to reuse the code in different ways throughout the application by changing only the way an individual service interoperates with other services that make up the application, versus making code changes to the service itself. SOA design principles are used during software development and integration. SOA generally provides a way for consumers of services, such as web-based applications, to be aware of available SOA-based services. For example, several disparate departments within a company may develop and deploy SOA services in different implementation languages; their respective clients will benefit from a well-defined interface to access them. SOA defines how to integrate widely disparate applications for a Web-based environment and uses multiple implementation platforms. Rather than defining an API, SOA defines the interface in terms of protocols and functionality. An endpoint is the entry point for such a SOA implementation.

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Benefit on BSS

- Track asset location and performance to optimize asset value and utilization
- Maximize asset performance through effective proactive and reactive maintenance
- Improve resource management with intelligent deployment of skills
- Streamline compliance and depreciation
- Exploit the single source of asset information and business intelligence to improve supplier performance and improve decision making
- Accurate insurance register can reduce premiums and speed up claims


To learn more about how a specialist asset management system can benefit your organization or to arrange a product demonstration, please contact BSS today.